The Value of Disconnecting

Society (and likely my grandparents) would object, however, as a type A, somewhat obsessively driven individual, I recharge and heal by allowing myself (and my brain) to disconnect by doing stuff that is in no shape or form “productive”.

Did you know that there is scientific research that shows that letting the mind wander sparks creativity? Let go of the idea that taking a break is not productive and that “doing” is the only way to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Melinda Choy explains it well in her TEDtalk about why taking a break every 90 to 120 mins is so important.

When we don’t take time during the day to decompress and breathe regularly, we are setting ourselves up for anxiety, depression and a slew of health problems.

Here are some easy things you can do to take a break during a busy day:

  • Take lunch away from your desk (and your phone)
  • Set a 90 minute timer to remind you to go for a walk around the office or step outside
  • Close your eyes and connect with your body for 5 mins. Listen to your breathing
  • Stand up and do squats at you desk for 60 seconds
  • Schedule a cooler break with a colleague. If you are working virtually schedule a short virtual chat. Social interaction is important!

As a shamanic practice, start your day by sitting with Mother Jaguar and asking her to teach you about non-doing so that you can remain in the moment and appreciate the beauty of life around you!