Inspired Courage Posted On 17 February 2023 Last week we talked about having the courage to step into who we are authentically.How can we say “Yes!” wholeheartedly when the leap may be a bit terrifying?! I took this picture over the weekend… Can you see who is in the mirror?His licence plate says “DRKKNIGHT” photo by @real_claudia This is a modified car made to resemble a modern day Batmobile I’m not gonna lie… it really made me smile. How courageous! This is a man of african descent who dresses up like batman and does good in the community. Literally the Dark Knight 😛 That is what he calls himself! Here is a link that explains a bit about this incredible Dark Knight who has been saying yes since 2014. How many people do you think told him he had a crazy idea? How many of his closest friends and family tried to dissuade him from stepping into this? What if he had said no to spirit? No doubt, saying yes, takes a huge amount of courage! Saying yes often asks us to let go of so many ideas we have about who and what we are; how we fit in the world. Seeing others step into uncertainty…that is inspiring… I’m sure glad he said YES! photo by @acharki95 on Tags:courage, inspiration, soul, transformation, unique About The Author Claudia Founder of The Shaman Café Living in Toronto, Canada I am thrilled to support you on your journey!